Community App #1 - Angular in Darija

Salam 👏 In this interactive series we're going to explain and demystify Angular Core Concepts through practical live-coding and deep dive into understanding theory. In this session, we will continue on building a real-world community application. Your contributions are welcome here We will pick and answer attendees' questions on the fly. Everything in Darija 🇲🇦 Join the official ngMorocco Community on Discord! 👉 Special thanks to our sponsor

Getting Started - Angular In Darija

In this interactive series we're going to explain and demystify Angular Core Concepts through practical live-coding and deep dive into understanding theory. We will pick and answer attendees' questions on the fly. Everything in Darija Presented by; - Chihab Otmani - Ilyas Elfouih

Component Fundamentals - Angular In Darija

In this interactive series we're going to explain and demystify Angular Core Concepts through practical live-coding and deep dive into understanding theory. In this session we'll talk about Component and Templates: - Interpolation and expressions - Property binding - Event binding - Two-way binding - Template #ref variables We will pick and answer attendees' questions on the fly. Everything in Darija 🇲🇦 Presented by; - Chihab Otmani - Ilyas Elfouih

Directives and Pipes - Angular In Darija

In this interactive series we're going to explain and demystify Angular Core Concepts through practical live-coding and deep dive into understanding theory. In this session we'll talk about Directives and Pipes: - Attribute Directives - Structural Directives - Pipes We didn't have time to make these topics, we'll see them another time inchaAllah - Pure pipes - Custom Pipes - Custom Directives We will pick and answer attendees' questions on the fly. Everything in Darija 🇲🇦 Presented by; - Chihab Otmani - Ilyas Elfouih

Dependency Injection - Angular In Darija

In this interactive series we're going to explain and demystify Angular Core Concepts through practical live-coding and deep dive into understanding theory. In this session we'll talk about Dependency Injection: - Understanding DI - @Injectable - Providers and useClass - Basic Authentication Service - useFactory and useValue - InjectionToken We will pick and answer attendees' questions on the fly. Everything in Darija 🇲🇦 Presented by; - Chihab Otmani - Ilyas Elfouih

Component Architecture - Angular In Darija

Salam 👏 In this interactive series we're going to explain and demystify Angular Core Concepts through practical live-coding and deep dive into understanding theory. In this session we'll talk about Component Architecture: - Data Flow and One-way Data Flow - Smart and Dumb Components - Containers and Presentational Components - @Input and @Output - Basic Application state management - Application Planning - Practical Example We will pick and answer attendees' questions on the fly. Everything in Darija 🇲🇦 Presented by; - Chihab Otmani - Ilyas Elfouih

Http and Observables - Angular in Darija

Salam 👏 In this interactive series we're going to explain and demystify Angular Core Concepts through practical live-coding and deep dive into understanding theory. In this session we'll talk about RxJS and HttpClient: - Data Fetching with Promises - Introducing Observable pattern - Reactive Extensions for JavaScript - Data Fetching with HttpClient - Mocking the REST API - Data and Business services - Introducing and using basic RxJS operators We will pick and answer attendees' questions on the fly. Everything in Darija 🇲🇦 Presented by; - Chihab Otmani - Ilyas Elfouih

Template-driven Forms - Angular in Darija

Salam 👏 In this interactive series we're going to explain and demystify Angular Core Concepts through practical live-coding and deep dive into understanding theory. In this session we'll talk about Template-driven Forms - Introduction to Forms in Angular - ngModel directive - Custom directives - ngModel behind the scenes - ngForm FormGroup and FormControl - Form validation and error states - Styling validation and errors states We will pick and answer attendees' questions on the fly. Everything in Darija 🇲🇦 Presented by; - Chihab Otmani - Ilyas Elfouih StackBlitz:

Angular CLI - Angular In Darija

Salam 👏 In this interactive series we're going to explain and demystify Angular Core Concepts through practical live-coding and deep dive into understanding theory. In this session, we will be talking about Angular CLI. - Angular CLI setup - Using npx to install CLI - Understand how Node CLIs work - Understand angular.json - Generating an application - Building the application - Serving the application - Introduction to schematics - ng adding some schematic We will pick and answer attendees' questions on the fly. Everything in Darija 🇲🇦 The event will be Live streamed on Youtube. Special thanks to our sponsor

Let's build a Community App - Angular In Darija

Salam 👏 In this interactive series we're going to explain and demystify Angular Core Concepts through practical live-coding and deep dive into understanding theory. Join the official ngMorocco Community on Discord! 👉 In this session, we will start doing some serious practice by implementing a real-world application. We will pick and answer attendees' questions on the fly. Everything in Darija 🇲🇦

Community App #1 - Angular in Darija

Salam 👏 In this interactive series we're going to explain and demystify Angular Core Concepts through practical live-coding and deep dive into understanding theory. In this session, we will continue on building a real-world community application. Your contributions are welcome here We will pick and answer attendees' questions on the fly. Everything in Darija 🇲🇦 Join the official ngMorocco Community on Discord! 👉 Special thanks to our sponsor

© 2021 ngMorocco | Angular in darija